Sign Guy Finds Inspiration In a Sam’s Club

Sign Guy Finds Inspiration In a Sam’s Club
How Did Lind SignSpring BOUNCE into Existence?
As the story goes, John Siegenthaler, our president and expert sign guy, was walking through our local Sam’s Club in Mansfield, Ohio when the idea how to build a better banner sprung into his mind.
Hanging from the ceiling in front of him was a sign, actually it was a trampoline, but in that moment John realized how to create a banner frame that would require no cables, clips, bars to grip and especially NO GROMETS.
This design would also solve common sign issues like wrinkles, tracks and rips.
As the owner of Lind Media, operating over 1,500 billboards in 27 Ohio and Indiana counties, John was always looking for ways to Install Banners Better, his company relied on it.
. . . and that is how Lind SignSpring was Born.
Lind SignSpring has created a patented breakthrough system for the installation of fabric graphics for banners, billboards, on-premise signage, and more!
After 8 years of development and proven usage worldwide, Lind SignSpring is the most durable and cost-effective fabric graphic installation system on the market today. Unequaled from the largest urban wallscapes and billboards to banners, window P-O-P, and cabinet displays.
SignSpring provides SIGNIFICANT savings in man-hours and installation costs while providing SIGNIFICANT competitive advantage in aesthetics, durability, and longevity. SignSpring allows direct-from-box, on-site installation often with a single installer with quick initial installations and easy vinyl changeouts in minutes.
SignSpring means no hardware, rods, grommets, tracks, cables, or accessories. Limited protrusions and tension means vinyl lasts much longer & easily suited for rotation and re-use.