One Man. One Wall. One Hour. Lind SignSpring BannerFrame Saves Manpower, Time & Money

One Man. One Wall. One Hour.
Lind SignSpring BannerFrame Saves Manpower, Time & Money
HOW? How can One Man install a 10′ X 26′ Vinyl Banner in One Hour?
BannerFrameCLASSIC is shipped in pre-measured and pre-sprung sections for easy out-of-the-box installation at your project location. All you have to do is secure the sections onto any type of surface and attach your banner to the patented spring tips.
What Makes Lind SignSpring BannerFrame Different From Other Installation Systems?
BannerFrameCLASSIC performs flawlessly without the use of grommets, cables, or other traditional installation methods. The patented spring/hook technology generates continuous tension that is distributed evenly around the perimeter of the fabric graphic, creating a durable, flawless surface and easy change-outs. This design also prevents damage to your banner, extending the life of vinyl and PE banners for years to come!
What Type of Vinyl Sign Do I Need?
BannerFrameCLASSIC is great for any vinyl type and at any size. We do recommend a lighter vinyl for most applications. There are no special requirements when having your banner printed, although we do recommend printing a ¾” dashed line around the perimeter of your banner to make it easier to know where to punch holes.
This Wallscape Was Up in One Hour, REALLY?
The beauty of BannerFrameCLASSIC without Covers system is that it takes no time at all to prep. You can install the product straight from the box with only a few tools. It only takes a few minutes to remove and install a new banner, speeding up the banner rotation process. It’s so easy that anyone can change out the banner. Simply unhook the spring from one banner and hookup the next. You can even reuse banners.
How Durable Is The BannerFrame System?
BannerFrameCLASSIC without Covers provides tight, wrinkle-free, sag-free, professional banner installations every time without Covers provides tight, wrinkle-free, sag-free, professional banner installations every time. Made with stainless steel to prevent rust or corrosion, BannerFrameCLASSIC can withstand even the harshest weather conditions. That means once you install it, you won’t need to change it for a very, very long time.
Learn more about BannerFrameCLASSIC.