Never a Gamble SignSpring Goes to the Track

Don’t Gamble with Inferior Vinyl Install Systems
Only Lind SignSpring delivers flawless installations with minimal man-hours and proven durability.
The Client:
Eldorado Resorts and Scioto Downs casino chose Lind SignSpring as the system for their track side billboards.
The Decision:
Easy change-outs, flawless results and proven durability were key factors in their decision to replace ratchets, wraps and gripper bars with simple spring and hook technology. No tools or special vinyl finishing required. Just BannerSprings and a properly sized vinyl.
The Project:
Conversion was completed in 3 easy steps and 1 day.
- Old wrapped vinyls were either removed along with ratchets and pocket bars or left in place.
- Installers then simply installed BannerSprings at 1′ intervals around the face perimeter.
- In less than 10 minutes per billboard, two men installed new 7 oz. vinyls by simply pulling BannerSpring tips into premarked holes around fabric perimeter.
The Result:
(7) 14’x48′ BannerSpring bulletins
(2) 14’x100′ BannerSpring bulletins
(0) Wrinkles
(1) VERY happy client!
Let us quote your next project. Email specs and a photo for a quick quote and unlimited consultations.