BannerFrame Hinge Helps Share the Love

Sharing the Love
BannerFrame Hinge Helps Share the Love
Lind SignSpring BannerFrame Sign Installation Systems help sell products, promote services, display public service announcements, present art and remind people to Love One Another.
The was established in March 0f 2021 by Lea Ann Maceyko in response to her feelings of anxiety and frustration toward what was happening in the world. She decided to turn it into hope. She felt the answer was “love will heal” a message from her heart that inspired her Love Will Heal Movement. She felt folks needed hope and a way to express their feelings which are etched into all of our hearts. She had them “etched” on a building at the square of Cardington, Ohio and MANY places since then.
The 1st sign was installed at 107 S. Marion St. Cardington Ohio 43315. Seen below.
The first banner above measures 12’ x 20’ in the BannerFrameHINGE frame on wood. It was installed in Willard, Ohio for the Willard Business Association courtesy of Kousma Builders.
The second banner measures 6’ x 12’ , also BannerFrameHINGE frame on stone. It was installed for Maceyko Tax in Cardington, Ohio and was the 1st Banner of the campaign.