Wallscape of The Week: Lind SignSpring BannerFrameCLASSIC Beautifies Lansing!

Wallscape Lansing Board of Water & Light Lansing MI

Lind_SignSpring_Banner_Frame_Classic Wallscape of The Week: Lind SignSpring BannerFrameCLASSIC Beautifies Lansing!

BannerFRAME Beautifies Lansing

Lansing_Board_Water_And_Light_Michigan_Lind_SignSpring_BannerFrameCLASSIC Wallscape of The Week: Lind SignSpring BannerFrameCLASSIC Beautifies Lansing!

Product Details: 18’ x 44’ Lind SignSpring BannerFrameCLASSIC 8 oz mesh with cover sections


Johnson Sign Co. bid an iconic civic art project for the Lansing Board of Water & Light. The high profile project had to meet strict performance and cost standards to be successful.

Johnson investigated and chose Lind BannerFrameCLASSIC for simplicity, beauty and durability. They found that no other system comes close!
“Lind BannerFrameCLASSIC was a great solution for this high profile project.
For our first time using Lind SignSpring, the install went quick & smoothly. The wallscape turned out beautifully and Lind support and guidance was exceptional.
I Highly recommend SignSpring!”
Tammy Hurrell
Johnson Sign Co.
Lansing, MI
Product Details: A 18’ x 44’ Lind SignSpring BannerFrameCLASSIC 8 oz mesh with cover sections

Are you ready to BEAUTIFY your community?

Request-A-Quote-Button-Lind-SignSpring Wallscape of The Week: Lind SignSpring BannerFrameCLASSIC Beautifies Lansing!