Great Location…Bad Installation

Startek banner on the side of a brick building
It’s a never ending story for Sign and Outdoor Industry professionals…

A great wall, a great sign location, an eager client ready to commit…

Unfortunately, every surface is different and the problem arises when traditional installation methods are chosen. Without patented Lind SignSpring™, the only certainty is a complicated installation with some wrinkles, a lot of man-hours and a hope that the vinyl survives the promised life. Regardless of where you install fabric graphics, nothing comes close to matching the perfection, simplicity and durability of Lind SignSpring products.

Screen-Shot-2020-08-05-at-1.11.20-PM-WEB Great Location...Bad Installation

Screen-Shot-2020-08-05-at-1.11.33-PM-WEB Great Location...Bad Installation

Screen-Shot-2020-08-05-at-1.11.47-PM-WEB Great Location...Bad Installation

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Developed and proven on billboards in extreme Great Lakes conditions, patented Lind SignSpring products enables flawless installations with lifetime durability and change-outs in minutes.