Does Your Banner System Let Your Client Keep Up With Their Marketing Calendar? Lind’s Does.

What Prevents Your Clients From Changing Their Advertising Banners To Keep Up With Their Marketing Calendars?
Lind BannerFrameHINGE! Creates a Quick, Attractive, Durable & Cost Effective Canvas for All of Their Marketing Messages.
Let’s take a look at Marion Public Library’s use of their Lind Banner Frame system over 1 year.
BannerFrameHINGE was installed. It required 1 Installer and took 1 hour.
This was a Direct-from-box installation. Marion Public Library displayed their general “evergreen” message vinyl banner. You can see the HINGE system adds covers to frame the message and cover the spring system.
Installation of NEW banners really is as easy as 1-2-3
1. Install vinyl by pulling the BannerSpring tips into the vinyl perimeter of your banner.
2. Close cover sections (sides first!)
3. Share a Picture with the Client so they can see the completed banner.
Their vinyl banner will last for several years, but content is king and March brought a new message for the Library. It was National Library Week and time to promote their April Book Sale promotion.
Frequent changeouts to promote upcoming programming is still as easy as 1-2-3.
1.Remove the original banner by removing the BannerFrame Springs (be sure to keep it, it is reusable)
2. Apply the springs to the new vinyl banner.
3. Close the covers.
It’s Summer Reading Time and Lind BannerFrameHINGE really does offer Oceans Of Possibilities.
If you are a premise owner you can see how effective this banner system works with your schedule of events. It takes 1 person 15-20 minutes to change your messaging.
For Sign Installers this system reduces, time, manpower and materials. Keep your clients successful by helping them utilize their on-premise assets.
The BannerFrameHINGE display becomes their best marketing outlet.
The Library had a rest in programming, it was time to re-install the original vinyl.
The Lind SignSpring systems are easy on vinyls.
Small protrusions around perimeter and engineered tension make vinyls last longer while allowing multiple installations and re-uses!
The Library announced a new program. The event vinyl was created. The sign company again, only had to send 1 Sign Installer that was in and out in 20 minutes and the only supply they needed was the new banner.
Try doing this with Grommets and washers!
The Library chose a great month to show appreciation and thankfulness to their team for a legacy of 136 years of lifelong learning.
Another month another vinyl changeout. Like all BannerFrame installations, this banner is good for several years, but with 15 minute changeouts, new ideas and promotions come to life instantly.
For Sign shops and their clients, Lind BannerFrameHINGE is the gift that keeps giving!
Excellent margins and easy installations is just the beginning. Only Lind BannerFrame enables quick, 1-man changeouts, creating a recurring revenue stream for sign professionals while enabling clients to speak to their markets easily and consistently.